Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Effects of Pinterest

No offense, but I don't really like Pinterest. I think it's great when you have nothing better to do, because it's like "oh, well, otherwise I'd just be sleeping, and I can't sleep in the dang middle of the day, so I'll just kill two hours on Pinterest and then I can go to my one thing that I have to do today." But when you are busy... it just adds to the addiction to the internet.

And then, when you take into account the emotional toll that Pinterest takes... it just leaves me clueless as to why anyone gets on there!
So, why do we pin? I don't understand! It's a time-waster, self-esteem killer, self-worth demoter, unrealistic-standard setter... etc.
I do acknowledge that it does come in handy. That fruit smoothie does look really good. But for all the times that it's killing my life perspective, the few times that it does come in handy is not really worth the emotional strain.
In short, I think that the cons outweigh the pros. Alas, I'm just as addicted as the next average teenaged girl. And as I sign off here to go look at Pinterest before I go to bed, I wish that I was busy enough to just stick with facebook and blogging...

1 comment:

  1. Amen. You are very wise. Cute read. It really should be published. You should be paid to do this!!!
