Monday, August 27, 2012

Fleeting Moments Of Stupidity

There are some people who are street smart. There are others who are book smart. And there are others who are both. In my experience, the people with both kinds of smart can't be good at everything, that's not God's way or fair to anybody else, so they get these Fleeting Moments of Stupidity.

For example... You know those times when you think you know what you're doing, what you're talking about, what you're planning... And even though you think you're mostly on top of things... sometimes you're not?

They happen to me quite a lot... sometimes they're just like blonde moments...
And other times they're worse...
What's awful about these Fleeting Moments is that once you have one, it takes ages for the people around you to take you seriously again.

Yet again, this is another reason why I like cats better than people...

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