Friday, August 17, 2012

I Love Summer Because...

I love summer for all the typical reasons... no school, sun, friends, sleeping in... etc. But those are all boring, "everybody says that," reasons.
Basically, I love summer because I can be lazy in every aspect of my life.
When it comes to deciding on whether or not to fix my hair and do my makeup each morning, I take in a lot of factors...
So, as proven by my flow chart, during the summer, I should not need to do my hair or makeup. Which is fantastic! Makeup just lowers your self esteem anyway, because the more you put on, and the more often you put it on, the more you're subliminally telling yourself that you need it. I have a love/hate relationship with makeup. Hair... I actually like doing hair, but doing your own hair is more difficult than doing somebody else's, and doing your own hair takes more time. So it really just comes down to how lazy I am.

When it comes to getting dressed...
This one's pretty easy... Can it be googled? If yes, do so. If no, let it go, it's not something you really needed to figure out right now anyways.
Sleep habits
They vary. Some nights I'm tired, some nights I'm not. Either way, it doesn't matter, because I'll always have time to sleep/stay away later.
Summer is great because you have lots of time... time to be bored and go to the kitchen, and time to work off all that boredom-food you've been eating.

Yeah, basically, a carefree summer is the best thing ever.

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