Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Adventures of Packing a Rice Maker

Well, today is the day! I'm flying back to college! That means that last night was the night to PACK. Not checking bags, so everything has to fit or it's staying behind...
Not to worry, I have some of those vacuum space bags! They're supposed to suck all the air out of your clothes, and thus creating more space for you. What they don't tell you is that the heavier you are, the more air you're going to squeeze out of your clothes. Same with your suitcase - the heavier you are, the more things you can squeeze in at the end. If you catch my drift. For me on the other hand... squeezing out a lot of air proved to be a little bit difficult.
Well, once I had everything in their little airspace bag and sucked out all the air of everything... it didn't fit in my suitcase. When it came down to the most cramming I could possible do, I was going to have to choose between my laptop, or my rice maker. Obviously, I NEED both of those items to be successful in college... So I had to find another solution.
I pulled out that handy tool called Google, and searched how big a carry-on item is allowed to be! And guess what? I could use a bigger suitcase! Thus began the un-cramming all of my things, and re-cramming it all into a different suitcase.
Well, half of the problem here is solved. While I as able to fit everything else into my suitcase, my rice maker and laptop still remained un-packed. This could've not been that big of a deal, because I still have my entire backpack to work with. However, in case you didn't know, rice makers are awkwardly shaped.
So, due to the awkwardness of the shaping of this little kitchen helper that is my lifeline to eating food in college... it was very difficult to fit into anything. It was too round to fit into my suitcase in any angle, and too wide at the top to fit sideways into my backpack. Finally, I came up with a solution that I hope the airline will be okay with...
In theory.... they'll never know that I can't actually close my bag... because I have to take my laptop out and my rice maker out anyway and put them in those plastic buckets to be scanned. So all three of these things will be scanned separately, and they're not going to watch me put all my things back into my backpack once I'm through... hopefully.
However, this does mean I'm going to be That Person That Takes Forever In Line Because She Has So Many Buckets.

1 comment:

  1. Darn that person that takes forever in line because she has so many buckets to heck!!
