Thursday, September 13, 2012

You Know You're Stressed When...

Stress is this funny thing that happens when you get too busy... or you have too many things going on at once... or you're severely worried about something... or you haven't quite swung into the swing of your schedule...

Its effects are different for everyone, and they can be seen in a variety of different ways. Some people are quick to anger, and they yell a lot over stupid things. Others cry a lot. Some sleep it off, sing it off, dance-party it out...

The most obvious side-effect that I have is that I suddenly am "SO BUSY I CANT DO ANYTHING EXTRA OUTSIDE OF MY TO-DO LIST!" But that's the most obvious one. It shows itself, more commonly, in many other ways.

Sometimes, I try to take a shower with my clothes on.
Or I put toothpaste on my face instead of moisturizer when my face is dry.
I make time-consuming goals, like "One day, I'm going to run up a mountain. Now is the time to start training.
I suddenly don't like any of my clothes anymore... they're all too restrictive. And all I want to do is wear my tshirts and sweatpants and socks with my adidas sandals... Along this same line, this is when I gained a testimony of the sock bun and began to apply it to my life.
Sometimes, I suddenly lose the ability to read and spell. It's like I become dyslexic. I read things backwards and I add extra e's and s's and so on, onto words... Thank goodness for audio and spell check!!
Other times, I forget where I live, and I try to open my new apartment door with my old apartment swiper-key.
And lastly... I blog about my problems.

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