Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dating Advice From Our Teachers

At BYU, the teachers really want you to date and get married and whatever. On the other hand, they really want you to do your homework for their class (and only their class, of course). They also realize that as college students, we are very busy young people, and we don't have a lot of spare time on our hands. So somewhere along the life of BYU, the teachers figured out that dating and homework could be combined into one, big, fun, assignment- it's like killing two birds with one stone! As a result, I get all kinds of dating advice from my teachers.

They provide us with conversation ideas...

... and activities...

... and relationship advice...

... and inside jokes to make with our significant other...

They even have ideas for girls writing guys on missions.

No matter how lame my professors' ideas are, I know that they would probably work if I tried them. Everyone here is getting married (as a result from these date ideas and advice, I'm sure), all the time. It's like something in the water.

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