Saturday, September 22, 2012

How I Became Every BYU Stereotype I Didn't Want to Be

When I first came out to BYU, I was quite worried about those people that they always talk about that come here... such as those girls who meet someone and three months later they're engaged. Or those guys who creep on the younger girls because they can't date anybody their own age, but they feel like they should get married right now because everybody else is doing it. Or... well, those were the only ones that I knew about then, but as I became more of a veteran than a freshman, there were other stereotypes that I began to notice. And I thought they were annoying, so I vowed to never conform to them and be like every other white BYU girl.

Welllllllll, that endeavor has failed...

First, I began to curse in creative and technically appropriate ways, just like everyone else. I used to think it was stupid. Then I thought it was funny. Then I started doing it too, because I thought it was even more funny when I did it. And what can I say? Now I've conformed- I'm a curser.

Then, I began to lose sleep, and be perpetually tired (see A College Student's Sleep Cycle). I used to think these people were so weird - like just sleep at home, for crying out loud! They just fall asleep wherever they happened to be, like they narcolepsy or something. Then, I got tired enough to be like them, and now I understand them.

This next one isn't really something I can do about... But... I just happen to not practice my domestic skill in the same way that every other girl does... I do my laundry when I'm going on my last pair of underwear. I make pancakes, macaroni and cheese, rice, and canned food for meals. I really can make food, and I really can clean and do laundry and do crafty things, and I really can patch clothes and make sandwiches. It's just that... I'm so lazy... And I choose not to...
 Well anyways, because of this fact, this one time, I was out with some friends, and we were talking about 1) college eating life and 2) how our friends are all getting engaged. This is basically what happened:

And this is how I became every stereotype at BYU (minus the Meeting Someone Your Freshman Year and Marrying Him Two Months Later stereotype).

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