Thursday, May 29, 2014

I Have No Feelings

This blog is about how I was able to have the best, happiest wedding ever. Oh, btw, internet, I got married to my best friend ever about a month ago!!!!

Weddings are fun on Pinterest, but they are a lot harder in real life. Here are a few examples of the reality of weddings:

Well, you have the idea. As the bride, it is really important to not have a breakdown because of other people and all the stress and bla bla bla during your wedding. You are the bride, everyone is watching you, and therefore there are no breakdowns allowed. 

Luckily, the day of the wedding, all of these things weren't so bad because of this one thing that I learned when I was 13 on a High Adventure Camp.

At the very beginning of the camp, we had a big meeting, where one of our wise leaders installed the motto of "I have no feelings." I don't know if I understood then what he was trying to do by creating this rule, but I do now.

For purposes of our adventure, it was to prevent drama from brewing in a big pot of 12-17 year old girls. It worked there; it was a fun trip. But guess what, it works in other situations too!

So, the whole wedding day, I had no feelings! Well, besides the good ones.

And I just want to mention that we did get out on time. So ha.

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