Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Taylor Swift Sings the Songs of My Life

I love Taylor Swift. I've loved her ever since "Tim McGraw" and I know all the words to every song she has, even the two that I don't particularly care for. I know that this is not an oddity in today's society... everyone loves Taylor Swift. I just really want to talk about how excited I am for her new album and how every song she has somehow defines my life. I'd love to sit around and tell you about how every single song pertains to me, but that would, first, be boring for you to read after a while and, second, be boring for me to write after a while. So I'm just going to list my favorites, in no particular order.
1) Teardrops on My Guitar
I know I'm not alone in this kind of situation. It happens to everyone, they say. But you don't understand until it happens to you, and then you're just like:

2) I'm Only Me When I'm With You
We all have a friend like this... There are just some people, for whatever reason, that I just act the "me-est" around. I don't know why. But I love them.
3) The Way I Loved You
This is kind of the perfect "boys are so frustrating" song ever. There's the guy that you liked, the same guy that you still miss and kind of hate. Then there's the guy that you know is good to you and is perfectly perfect and you're happy with him, but there just isn't that same kind of spark as when you were with the first guy.

4) Fifteen
I play this song for everyone I know that's turning 15, and again on their first day of high school. The reason I do this is because it's good advice for them, and then mostly because it's really fun to sing it ridiculously loud in the car.

5) Long Live
We all have that friend that we've fought a gazillion dragons with, that one friend that's never left our side, that one friend that's always there, and we all wish them the best when life's journey tears us apart.

6) Mean
I use this song for anybody who's ever slighted me... it just makes me feel better.
7) Thug Story
First, I just think this song is hilarious. Second, being from the hood myself, I appreciate Taylor Swift doing a rap! Third, it kind of defines my life.

8) You Belong With Me
Kind of the same message as Teardrops on My Guitar, except more upbeat and optimistic.

9) Mary's Song
I mostly just like this song because it's a cute story... Ryan is the name of the boy that I liked when I was seven, but I do not think he was nine, and I haven't seen him ever since we moved away when I was ten, so we did not end up married. But think about how adorable that is!!!

10) Picture to Burn
Remember how I said that I sing "Mean" to people the people who've ever slighted me? Well, I sing this one to all the people that have ever  REALLY slighted me and made me mad and all that negative feeling stuff.

So, those are my favorites... Really, I just like all of them. But these are the ones that stick to me even if I'm not in that same particular mood. And I am so excited for the new album!!!

1 comment:

  1. You know I can't listen to "Long Live" since you made that video. It's too sad. Oh, and who's Ryan??
