Sunday, July 7, 2013

100 Degrees with Next to No Air Condition

Once upon a time, I lived in an apartment and paid for my utilities. At the same time, the heat of the desert summer came around, and the temperature hit over 100 degrees. But it's a dry heat. But, it's still heat.
My apartment complex sent out this scary email saying that if we don't watch how we use our air condition, the utilities bill could well be over 100 dollars. Consequently, my roommates and I have been trying to not really use the air condition all the time. And, consequently, this makes our apartment feel... well, slightly cooler than the outside.
Umm... sleeping is hard.

Cooking in the kitchen is hard.

Sometimes the only way to get away is to just take a cold shower... And definitely not a hot shower, because it makes the apartment humid.

Our apartment doesn't have very many windows that actually open, so the best way to let new air in by leaving the front door open. Sometimes, this works, in the heat, if there is a slight breeze. Otherwise, it's a little bit like trying to heat the outside world during the summer.

It does make deciding whose house to hang out easier though...

And then I bought this eleven-dollar fan from Smith's, and my world was changed.
The End.

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