Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Awkward Couples

Walking through campus on any normal day, one sees a lot of people. Some people you know, others you don't. Some are nice and friendly, others stare at the ground as they walk by. There are all sorts of people! Tall ones, short ones, loud ones, awkward ones, attractive ones, one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish...

One of the common types people living amongst us in the BYU habitat are the Awkward Couples. There are many variants of them. You know who they are.

They could be the ones canoodling on your couch. Or maybe making out in line right in front of you. Laying on top of each other on the grassy fields. Massaging each other's backs during class. Sitting in the back row at church. They're everywhere.

Each couple has varying amounts of awkwardness to those around them. Some are exclusively awkward.
Others are overly inclusive in attempt to be considerate to their roommates.
Some of them feel like they can only speak to you when their Other Half is also present.

Some of them you LITERALLY run into on campus because they walk so slow because their hands are attached. Like, please, just take up the whole sidewalk and slow down a bit. Holding hands and walking at the same time is difficult, and nobody wants you to trip together.

Well, I don't really have anything else to say about awkward couples now, besides that they exist and their presence seems to be more prominent with the increasing with the temperature.

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