Monday, March 11, 2013

The Day I Dyed

So, here's the story. Once upon a time, I really like the ombre hair that's going on right now. Like really like it. Except, I'm kind of really poor, sooo I can't pay to have it professionally done. I actually tried a lot of do-it-at-home things to get around paying for it.

Aaaand nothing was working. I seriously clicked on every Pinterest thing there is about the ombre to see what I was doing wrong. Eventually, I just gave up trying to do it myself and began justifying paying a professional to do it. Except, again, I don't have any money, so I found around the professional and figured beauty school students were close enough and significantly cheaper.
Soo, I go and make an appointment for 10am. And this is what happened for the next FIVE HOURS:
First, we had a lot of small talk, because there was a lot of waiting involved.

She washed my hair, diligently dried it, and dyed it. Then we waited, washed it out, and dried it again. This is how it turned out:

mmm. Yeah. So then her "Learning Leader" came over to help fix it. Aaand we proceeded to dye, wash, finally cut, and then dry it all over again.
And then, five hours later, it looked like this:

And this is the story of how I dyed. The End.

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