Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Best Time to Go Grocery Shopping

They always say to never go grocery shopping when you're hungry.

This is a lie. Always go grocery shopping when you're hungry. Because that means it's mealtime, which means the stores will have FREE SAMPLES. All kinds of them!!

Cheesecake, ham, salsa, bean dip, chips, smoothies, pizza, fruit...! If you go to the store at the right time, you can literally get a balanced meal out of all the free samples. Now you may feel pressured to buy some of the things you are sampling. Like maybe there's some kind of social rule that for every three samples you have, you should buy one of them.

Don't feel that way. The person at this free sample stand has no idea that you just sampled a cream puff down aisle three and a chip down aisle seven. Heck sample one of everything! But don't get crazy- one sample from each stand now, come on. If you want more than one sample, it's probably a sign that you want to buy the product.
Just make sure that you pay attention to what samples they're giving out... You don't want to accidentally go to the stand sampling something you don't want to try. Like, nobody wants to sample lotion...

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