Monday, October 8, 2012

All My Friends Are GOING on Missions

well, pretty much everybody has heard by now that they lowered the age for everyone to go on their mission.
And now everybody and their all their roommates/brothers/sisters/friends/acquaintances are all going on missions within this next year.
This huge change comes with a lot of questions... What will happen to BYU campus until this all evens out?

What will happen for those who have already gotten back from their mission or are too young to leave yet, and are still at BYU??

It will definitely change everyone's opinion on writing letters, because roles will be reversed...

And what will happen to the MTC???

More importantly... who's still going to get married this year!?!!!

Well, one thing is for sure... Facebook will be the same as last year each Wednesday.

Everything's gonna change pretty dang quick. The world better watch out, because we're coming for them!

1 comment:

  1. Look on the bright side, you will have plenty of open seats to choose from and no one to step on you trying to get to the empty ones!
