Friday, March 4, 2016

Emily vs. The Cub Scouts

I volunteer as a cub scout leader. For one hour, every Wednesday, a co-leader and I lead an activity for ~11 boys, who are eight years old.

A typical activity begins with entertaining the boys whose parents dropped them off on time, usually by asking them to help set up the room or giving them a crossword puzzle. 

When the noise comes to a dull roar, it's time to start the real activity.

There are a lot of fun and active games that we try to play with them. Unfortunately, these games require a few more instructions than the average 'go play.'

Some activities go better than others.

Don't worry about their communication skills though, I know they still have them.

They say a lot of crazy things. It escalates quickly.

It's difficult to tell if our efforts make a difference in their lives at all.

But occasionally, there is a reward.

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