4) I'm not good at Twitter.
6) I own cat earrings. And I wear them.
8) All I want to get in the mail is an acceptance letter to Hogwarts.
10) After wishing them a happy birthday, I fb stalk them (you?) for a while (time-permitting) and reminisce about the good ol' days.
11) Sometimes I'm accidentally a vegetarian. My husband has to remind me when we haven't eaten meat in three days.
12) Even though I've taken math up to CalcII, I still call the alpha symbol "fish."
13) Some people wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy, and sometimes I do, but other times I wake up feeling like a unicorn.
14) I still read the fancy "D" in "Disney" as a backwards "G."
16) My biggest pet-peeve is people who are inconsiderate. That is an umbrella term for all people who don't use their blinker while driving; people who talk loudly on the phone while everyone else nearby is being quiet; people who don't do their job so then you have to; people who are late; people who procrastinate doing their part in the group project; people who come into the store when it's only open for another 5 minutes and then take 30 minutes to do finish their shopping... I could keep going but that's enough.
17) The movie Tangled is my spirit-movie, if there is such a thing.
18) I would love to be tour guide at a National Park.
19) I love Taylor Swift, and there is nothing you can do or say that will make me be ashamed of that fact, or make me change my mind about it.
22) My favorite, favorite, FAVORITE blonde joke is:
There once was a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde running from the cops. They ran into a barn and hid in some potato sacks. The cops ran in after them. One thinks that maybe the girls are hiding in the potato sacks. He kicks the first one containing the brunette and hears a "meow, meow!" so he thinks it's just a sack of cats. He kicks the second one containing the redhead and hears a "woof, woof!" so he thinks it's just a sack of puppies. He kicks the third one containing the blonde, and hears "POTATOES!!!"
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