Friday, August 15, 2014

The Newest Addition to our Family

This is Rocky.

She is our new pet cat. Rock. I mean. She does everything just like a cat, really.

She loves to sit on our microwave and watch over the kitchen. She sits on the microwave because we already taught her to not jump on the counters.

She drinks water from the sink, not from a bowl.

She loves playing with strings and ribbons and wires.

And she also loves our couch, and doesn't like to share it. It is the perfect spot for her sunbathing.

She likes to play in the mirror.

And she likes to jump onto bookshelves and make friends with the other animals we have in our apartment.

She's the perfect cat. I mean rock. She never makes any noise, and she doesn't shed. When we leave for the weekend, she knows how to take care of herself. 

Also, our landlord can't evict us for keeping her.

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