Saturday, February 9, 2013

BYU Sports

At the start of every year, BYU sends out an email to everyone advertising their All-Sports Pass. It's a magical card that gets one into every sports event on campus. BYU obviously has a lot of ulterior motives for these passes, like earning money off the people buying these little plastic cards or promoting school spirit... but really they're just trying to provide us with easy dates so we'll all get married, and like whatever.

But really, this is just a huge let down overall. Going to any BYU sports event is an emotional roller-coaster minus the dating part. 
It starts out with a lot of school spirit. We all really would LOVE for BYU to win, to cream the other team, to be great. And we believe in all our teams like we believe in the Bible, and show it in a mighty amount of school spirit.

We cheer as loud as we can, we wear all BYU attire... heck, some probably even pray for the wins! We usually do alright the first half of whatever game it is. 

Then, we'll hit the half-way mark of the game and suddenly...

And, so, we cheer louder, become more hopeful, and wish harder! But in the end, we are already disappointed.
Thoroughly disappointed. 

If only we could gamble. We could win a lot of money always betting on the other team.

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