Sunday, November 18, 2012

I Have No Hobbies Anymore

Once upon a time, the Thanksgiving Holiday is a week away. Of course, this means that all the professors like to give you all your midterms and papers and projects and like whatever for the week before, so you don't forget everything you've learned over the break, or like whatever. In other words, this means that the week before Thanksgiving is the craziest week of your life this month, and that the two days of school you have the week of Thanksgiving become the easiest two days of your life.
The busy week is a trial in and of itself, but then, the sad part is the aftermath: when you're so not-busy that you don't know what to do with your life.
But I mean, after a while, staring at the ceiling is boring. I can only do that for so long, I have a short attention span. For a little while, I was in denial that I really had nothing I NEEDED to do RIGHT NOW, so I made up a few things for myself to do in this spare time...
After about half an hour of this though, I burnt out and lost motivation, and started wasting my free time...
This is when I realized that I don't have hobbies anymore. I know I used to have them. Something like playing the piano, reading, sports... I don't remember. But I know I had them. I used to have real hobbies like the ones that Pinterest talks about...
But speaking of Pinterest, and what it talks about... When I looked at it on this day, I remembered that I really like ear-cuffs!! Like, really like them! And I found this website that taught you how to make one out of a paper clip!!
I was super excited about this and I made it my new hobby. I made three in under an hour. I was very excited. I thought about buying a kit, or some real jewelry wire, or some cool beads so I could expand and develop my new hobby... but then I burned myself out on it. So maybe my problem isn't that I'm too busy for hobbies. Maybe it's that I have the attention span of a squirrel...