Monday, August 5, 2013

I Am the Lord of the Flies

Once upon a time, there was a loaf of bread and an old bag of potatoes in an apartment. They were left up on top of the fridge where people couldn't really see them or know about them, unless otherwise informed about their presence by people of taller stature. Time passed, the informed roommates moved out, and the potatoes and bread were forgotten, left atop of the fridge forever. Seasons changed, and the climate changed into one that is more conducive to insect living.
One day, the front door was left open.

And so, many flies came to live in the apartment with its other human tenants.  Feeding on the very moldy bread and the very rotten potatoes that nobody knew about, the flies began to multiply and replenish the apartment.
This drove a certain tenant crazy, and thus ensued The First Massacre Of The Flies During which 25 Flies Were Smashed In 24 Hours.

The fly problem became less of a problem, as only a few were left. All thought living conditions would improve as the last flies died off. Alas, none knew that those few flies had an unlimited food source, and then the door was left open yet again. Soon, there were flies everywhere all over again, flying aimlessly all over the apartment and into the tenants' faces.

FINALLY, the food source/love nest of the flies which consisted of the gross potatoes and bread was discovered and disposed of. All that was left to do to exterminate the flies was to get rid of the ones still alive in the apartment. Thus ensued The Second Massacre of the Flies During Which Many Flies Were Brutally Smashed or Mercifully Shooed Outside.
All that can be hoped for now for these tenants is that all the flies will be gone for good, so they can live in peace and not an infested barn. And the moral of the story is to be responsible for ALL of your belongings as a roommate, moving out or in. And that I am the Lord of the Flies that does pest control. Specifically fly swatting.

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