Thursday, July 25, 2013


This summer, I was a counselor for Upward Bound at UVU, and for BYU Sports Camp. Being a counselor is not as easy as it looks. Especially when you look as young as the participants.

Or when you don't know your way around. On the first day of one of my programs, I got us hopelessly lost on the way to our first class and then we were late.

Also, your coworkers occasionally choose to give you the opportunity to learn how to work with difficult and annoying people.

But hey, it can be something you can add to your resume.
Sometimes, there are days when I forget how to speak real English. On those days, giving a coherent and spiritual devotional is hard.

And waiting for everyone to show up at your "meeting spot" is hard.

But, being a counselor comes with lots of adventures.

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