Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's My Birthday

There comes a time in everyone's life (hopefully) when you turn into an adult. You begin life as a baby, and you grow up into a toddler, then a child, then a kid, then a pre-teen, then a teenager, then the awkward "everyone expects you to act like an adult but they don't treat you like one" stage, and then, after a gazillion years of being a non-adult, it happens.
But not for me, I'm going to stay six years old forever. (Hello, I Am Six Years Old) Even though I'm turning 20 this week...
but like, 20 is old!! The big 2-0. Second decade of my life. It's old. I'm almost not a teenager anymore. This takes a lot of teenaged-privileges away from my horizon. I have to like... be responsible for myself or something now. But the important part of turning 20 is that I am NO LONGER a teenager. According to my google search, I've done pretty well with living my teenaged years to the fullest. Out of the 20 Things to Do Before You're 20 list, I've done 18 of them. You can guess which ones I haven't done, I'm not going to tell you, but maybe you can use this as a guide for yourself if you're still under 20.
But the thing about birthdays is that they're the perfect excuse for everything you ever need to justify.

It's even more convenient when your birthday falls near Thanksgiving in the same way mine does, because then you can take all the things you needed to justify before and amplify them... for the entire Thanksgiving break.
What sucks about Thanksgiving break is that everyone goes home. Then you have the whole apartment to yourself. Which is good... and bad...
But then, since no one is around, you can make sweet potato casserole at 1am because you're too scared to sleep, put candles in it the next morning for your birthday, and then eat it for breakfast... and no one will judge you for 1) not making yourself a birthday cake 2) eating casserole for breakfast, and 3) putting candles in it.
Not that I like did that or anything.

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious! I miss you horribly today. Wish you were here and not 2000 miles away on your birthday! :'(
