Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Joy of Packing to Ride On A Plane

So, I go to college 1,678 miles (exactly) away from where my family lives. It's 27 hours away if you drive, and still basically a whole day away if you fly because the airlines make you stop in crazy places and wait for connections and whatnot. Except for the very first time I went out there for school, I always fly home whenever I go back. I never check any bags, so I have to bring everything I need back in a carry-on and leave the rest of my stuff back at college somewhere. This means that I have very limited space to bring back anything that I might want for two weeks or months for Christmas or summer break. Naturally, I've become pretty good at packing my suitcase.
Naturally, a lot of those clothes are dirty (FREE LAUNDRY AT HOME!) And sometimes I bring stuff back just because I don't want to pack them in boxes and store them while I'm back for the summer.
In the end, I usually manage to pack everything that I need, and then, I make sure I'm going to make it through darn security with all the stuff that I have.
And now that I'm almost to the end here, I pack my quart-sized plastic baggy to put any liquids that I MUST take with me!
After that, finally, after hours of preparation, I am officially packed and ready for the airport!
Usually, going home isn't that big of a deal. But during the time that I've spent at home, my stuff has had time to multiply and replenish my suitcase, and people give me things to take back to college that I personally appreciate, but security does not...
In short, packing is a joy in and of itself, and then packing to get through security is yet an additional pleasure...

1 comment:

  1. Lol. You don't want to cook the pilot???? Do ppl realize that these things have actually happened to you? You forgot the part about finding the switchblade/box cutter in your suitcase that has unknowingly made it through security every time you've flown!
