Monday, August 13, 2012

All My Friends Are On Missions

Hey guess what, Internet? I'm a Mormon. And there's this thing called a Mission that all the guys go on when they're nineteen. They go off to preach the gospel all over the world, which is a huge sacrifice on their part, huge miracle to the converts, and huge loss for us friends left behind. 
**disclaimer: I love that my friends go on missions. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's just really, really sad and frustrating to be left behind all the time, and that is what I am emotionally venting about in this post.**
Well, now that that's out of the way...

Boys are stupid. All they do is make you fall in love with them and be their stupid friend (or more), and then you're attached, and then, all they do is leave you, and go on their stupid mission, so other stupid people can be with their stupid families for stupid forever, while you're left at stupid home like "hey, well, I like cats..."
The guys like to combat expressions of these feelings of loss with things like "Oh, you'll make new friends" and "Well, I'll be back in two years, that's not a long time!" or "It's okay, you'll find someone new and be married when I get back" and "I'll write you every day all the time forever!" But what they don't understand is that they each have a special place in my heart in which some "new boy" cannot replace or fill or fix or whatever they're trying to say there to make me feel better. 
See? It just doesn't work that way.
I guess what I'm basically trying to say is that it's really hard being left behind. It's like being pierced through the heart every time you think about how your friends are gone.
or when you don't hear from them as often as you would like.

It's hard for the guys, in a way, because yes, they are leaving you behind, and that's sad and everything, but now they're busy with their new life on their mission. And what are we girls doing? We're just still here, living our old lives, going on, with out them, alone and uphill both ways in the snow and rain and beating sun, trying to make the pain of their absence more bearable by telling ourselves that what they're doing is the right thing and that by missing them we are being selfish.
Of course, like anybody trying to avoid pain, we try to adapt to their absence.

Some people say to look forward to seeing them again. However, I am quite skeptical about that still...
Yep, well, I just miss my friends on missions. That's all.


  1. Emily. I love you. And I love that the opening to this was " boys are stupid." and I love the part about the true!

  2. You're an amazing writer and illustrator. You should write a book or something. I love the road signs at the mailbox. :)
