Lately, and sadly, this has not been true anymore. Maybe I have been lucky because it's taken this long, maybe I have missed the classes where all the bullies are. I don't know. All I know is that I'm already tired of it. So I'm going to passive aggressively blog about it, and hope one day that some bully will read it and repent, and I've helped a little bit to make the world a better place. Despite the fact that it would be deeply satisfying, I won't reveal anybody's identity.
Bullies I've seen look like this:
They have the following attitude about people around them:
This is how I see their attitude affecting other people:
This is what I want to tell them:
Bullies, watch out. Taylor Swift will sing songs about you, and I will write blogs about you.
And I want you to think about this:
Spread the word, guys.