Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Every Kind of Cat

My husband doesn't like cats. When he was just barely brought home from the hospital as a baby, his family's cat pounced on his face and gave him a black eye.

Now, I love cats.

Almost as much as this famous lady. And I have spent the last two years trying to convince my husband to let us get a cat eventually. I have had to get very creative.

I've tried to convince him that cats love him.

I've tried to convince him that cats are poor and need a home.

I've tried to show him that cats are adorable.

I've tried to show him the protective qualities that cats have, and how they could benefit us and our future family.

And I've even tried to show him that engineers just like him also love cats. (I know the video is long, but it's worth it if you have the time.)

So much, that the engineers even made a second video about how cool cats are.

Each time, the reaction is the same.
So I keep trying.

Despite the unpromising outlook, one day this will be a thing.