Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The People You Don't Want to Sit Next to in Class

Once upon a time, on your typical day, you wake up, get ready for class, pack all the stuff you need, and walk on to class in a timely manner. You arrive a few minutes before class starts, find an open seat, sit down, and wait for class to start. Being an innocent student, thirsting for knowledge, you don't really think about who you are sitting by... unless they make you think about it... in which case, you then realize that there are some people in particular that you don't want to sit near at all.
Like the couple that flirts loudly all throughout class.

Or the people who dramatically don't understand what's going on.

And let's not forget those who are not interested in learning, and only their MRS degree.

Beware of the ones that don't pay attention, because as a result of their inattention, they'll be asking you to catch them up.

Now, you can't really do anything about this one because they come to you, and force you to be subject to their disruptive behavior...
I can understand before class starts... but seriously... if you're planning on being 20 minutes late to class... why go through all that trouble to get a chair?
And these are the people that you don't want to sit by, because they're detrimental to your learning experience. I'm sure they're all still good people. But you don't want to next next to them in class.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of you with your knees up to your chest for the blonde girl is hysterical. You have amazing insight. :)
