Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Lately, I've been having a lot of #firstworldproblems... Or maybe I've just been complaining a lot, or noticing the importance of my #firstworldprivileges... Anyway, one of those. So I'm going to try to put my problems into perspective.

For example, on the day of my university's rivalry football game, I was scheduled to work... Which wasn't a big deal, because I like basketball much better than football. The big deal is that I was invited to four different parties with friends very dear to me to watch said  football game, and I was unable to go because I had to be at my place-of-employment.
This ended up not being that bad, because 1) I like my job and 2) we listened to the game on the radio at work, which was a help to me, because I do not always understand what is going on when I watch football (because I'm a girl or something) and 3) we lost anyways, aaand 4) I'm grateful to have a job because some people don't, and although I've heard you can make just as much or more money begging than having a real salary, I am not comfortable with taking that gamble.
Next, I was grumpy over having cleaning checks at my apartment, because, after all, I am paying money to live here... I should let it stay in whatever condition I want. I should not have to do obscure chores, like wipe down the walls. And I should not have to clean up the leftover dirt from the previous attendants, because there is no way in heck that ALL of that dirt on the blinds accumulated during the month that I've lived here...
And then, this week is The Week That My Tests Begin and Never End Until Thanksgiving. Which means any moment that I spend not studying or doing homework or making money is technically a moment wasted/not-spent-wisely.

And while we're on the topic of school, allow me to complain about the days that I carry around $500 worth of textbooks on my back, which is a safety hazard in multiple ways.
However, the important thing to remember here is that I have an income, a place to live, a university to go to, brains to be smart, and a turtle to love me. #firstworldprivileges


  1. After seeing what was in the fridge from the previous tenants of my apartment, I've concluded that "really hard cleaning checks" are a good thing, not a bad thing. Two words: liquefied chicken. Ewwww.

  2. Love the sock bun and the turtle love! Lol. I remember those cleaning checks.
