Friday, December 5, 2014

What Sucks About Growing Apart

You know when you have a friend for a period of time, and you love each other, and you always have so much fun together, and you do everything together, and you always have something to tell each other? Yeah, me too. And then, you know when all of the sudden, that really good friend starts to politely ignore you for a long time and then finally you've grown so apart that you barely know each other anymore so then you're not friends anymore and you literally have no idea why? Yeah, me too.

There seems to be quite a lot of reasons for why this happens... one friend moves away from the other; one friend goes to a different school; one friend gets married and the other doesn't; one friend has a baby and the other doesn't; one friend goes to graduate school and the other decides to go straight into the workforce; one friend just straight up decides to not be friends with the other anymore; one friend decides to become a partier and the other decides to be a stay-at-homer... It goes on. And yes, there are inspiring stories of how friends can survive the distance and remain close friends. But that discussion is for another blog post. This post is discussing how much it sucks when that doesn't happen.

Losing a friend feels almost like the stages of grief: denial, bargaining, depression, anger, and acceptance. I will show you.


At this stage, you are unsure about where your friendship stands.

You let other people think that you're still close friends.

If/when your friend was/is a missionary, and they stop writing you back, but you keep writing them.

And then you get to the point when you realize that that thing that you both really super loved when you were friends might not even mean that much to your friend anymore.

So you try really hard to be their friend again, and get your hopes up because you'll hang out once, only to be crushed because then they ignore you the next three times you invite them to stuff. 


This is when you realize that you have no closure.


That friend was irreplaceable. You tell yourself that you have even better quality friends now, and even if that is true, remember that that friend was still irreplaceable. 

You see them hanging out with other mutual friends and wonder why you didn't make the cut and why you are being left out.

When you see something you know they would've loved but can't really tell them about it because you don't talk. 

When you put a lot of thought into their "happy birthday" fb post because that's the only time you talk to them... 

...but then when it's your birthday... 

... is all you get.

Then, you start to apply Taylor Swift's sad break-up songs to your dying friendship.


At this stage, you are angry at the situation, angry with them for not fighting for your friendship... it is THEIR loss that you're not friends anymore.
And then when not even your friend's MOM cares about your life anymore??! 

Ouch. And... you start to apply Taylor Swift's mad break-up songs to your dying friendship.


Finally, you accept that you are no longer friends. You no longer feel sad that you can't tell them about that thing they would love. You're not angry that their mom doesn't remember you anymore. You stop trying to invite them to stuff. And you're okay. Life moves on. 

Social media moves on too, and it's hard to know whether or not it's appropriate to add them on snapchat, or follow them on instagram, or connect with them on LinkedIn... 

Finally, you start to apply Taylor Swift's closure songs to your dead friendship.

The steps don't have to go in order, and reversion is a possibility. The steps themselves suck, and reverting back to a previously-completed step also sucks. There are no rules or time limit to the grieving process, so luckily you can endure your sad feelings for as long as it takes for you to permanently and peacefully accept the possibility of never ever being friends with that person again. Like ever. 
And eventually, it gets better.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

22 Confessions of a 22 Year Old

1) Sometimes I eat chocolate covered raisins and Dr. Pepper for breakfast.

2) I tell myself I'm going to get up early and study. And then I spend a really long time straightening my hair and watching Gilmore Girls.

3) I still need help matching my clothes. Thank goodness for living with other people.

4) I'm not good at Twitter.
5) I have duct tape taped to the bottom of my favorite shoes in an effort to keep them from ripping any further.

6) I own cat earrings. And I wear them.

7) I recently had a dream where I caught Ebola and couldn't go to school for 3 weeks while I was quarantined.

8) All I want to get in the mail is an acceptance letter to Hogwarts.
So true.

9)  I'm super good at keeping in touch with my high school friends. I catch up with them about once a year. #iwenttocollegeoutofstate

10) After wishing them a happy birthday, I fb stalk them (you?) for a while (time-permitting) and reminisce about the good ol' days.

11) Sometimes I'm accidentally a vegetarian. My husband has to remind me when we haven't eaten meat in three days.

12) Even though I've taken math up to CalcII, I still call the alpha symbol "fish."

13) Some people wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy, and sometimes I do, but other times I wake up feeling like a unicorn.

14) I still read the fancy "D" in "Disney" as a backwards "G."

15) Still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up.

16) My biggest pet-peeve is people who are inconsiderate. That is an umbrella term for all people who don't use their blinker while driving; people who talk loudly on the phone while everyone else nearby is being quiet; people who don't do their job so then you have to; people who are late; people who procrastinate doing their part in the group project; people who come into the store when it's only open for another 5 minutes and then take 30 minutes to do finish their shopping... I could keep going but that's enough.
inconsiderate driver note

17) The movie Tangled is my spirit-movie, if there is such a thing.

18) I would love to be tour guide at a National Park.

19) I love Taylor Swift, and there is nothing you can do or say that will make me be ashamed of that fact, or make me change my mind about it.

20) I want to wear my wedding dress all the time.

21) I sleep with my hair up in a bun at the very top of my head like Cindy Lou Who.

22) My favorite, favorite, FAVORITE blonde joke is:

There once was a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde running from the cops. They ran into a barn and hid in some potato sacks. The cops ran in after them. One thinks that maybe the girls are hiding in the potato sacks. He kicks the first one containing the brunette and hears a "meow, meow!" so he thinks it's just a sack of cats. He kicks the second one containing the redhead and hears a "woof, woof!" so he thinks it's just a sack of puppies. He kicks the third one containing the blonde, and hears "POTATOES!!!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

All You Are Is Mean: Stop It

I haven't experienced or witnessed a quantifiable amount of bullying since high school. I figured that since we are all "adults" in college, especially a religious one like BYU, that generally nice people would be the norm.
Lately, and sadly, this has not been true anymore. Maybe I have been lucky because it's taken this long, maybe I have missed the classes where all the bullies are. I don't know. All I know is that I'm already tired of it. So I'm going to passive aggressively blog about it, and hope one day that some bully will read it and repent, and I've helped a little bit to make the world a better place. Despite the fact that it would be deeply satisfying, I won't reveal anybody's identity.

Bullies I've seen look like this:

They have the following attitude about people around them:

This is how I see their attitude affecting other people:

This is what I want to tell them:

Bullies, watch out. Taylor Swift will sing songs about you, and I will write blogs about you. 

I want you to apply the following:

And I want you to think about this:

Spread the word, guys.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Classification of Zoobies

One of the most special things about BYU is its diversity. Despite the fact that the majority of people who attend school here are Mormon, Disney-movie-enthusiasts, return missionaries, and nonsmokers, there is still much diversity to be seen here on campus. After much observation, my guest-writer TR and I have identified several classifications of the BYU Student Species, Zoobies, which are listed below.

TR: Captain Can't Shut-Up: Zoobis Longwindacus

You're gonna be hearing from this species at least once a lecture. Indeed, he can provide up to 50-70% of the answers from the class. This particular species appears to reach extreme peaks of pleasure by hearing the sound of his own voice. Answers that could be provided perfectly with a single word or sentence will be embellished to the point where a series of books could be written instead. Beware of this species in the wild, as they may consume nearly all of your class time before you realize it.

EF: Mrs. and Mrs. Can't Live Without You: Zoobis Afectionicus

Members of this species do not thrive alone. They spend about three months after arriving at BYU trying to find another Zoobis Afectionicus to marry. They take whoever they find, and marry them before the second semester is over. While dating, and once married, they are never apart. They will only go out to ice cream with friends if their counterpart can also come along. They exhibit increased amounts of PDA, even after they are married, and very much in the public. No matter who is around, or what the circumstance is, they are always making sure that the other feels physically adored. When separated for more than three minutes, they being to panic, which could lead to a severe panic attack if they are not reunited within another two minutes.

TR: Dr. Deep Doctrine: Zoobis Confusacus

This species will inevitably take any religion class back to the Old Testament. You can be talking about Joseph Smith and he will pipe up about some obscure aspect about the number of tassels on Moses' robe. This species obviously has no interest in what's being taught, but has taken on the personal burden of reaching the class what he feels is important. A master of misdirection, he will take advantage of people's unsurety of dusty old topics to confidently state fallacies which are accepted without question.

EF: The Student Athlete: Zoobis Athleticus

A very tight clique with each other, this species walks around in BYU sporting attire, always. Males adorn a typical flat-rim hat. They do not bring supplies to class. They attend class about half of the time because they are gone out playing football or basketball or soccer or volleyball for BYU. When they do attend class, they spend the entire time talking to their cliquey friends, or asleep.They do not have a job because they are on full and excessive scholarship to play sports for the school. Typically, they live in places like The Village, or another really expensive apartment with single rooms. Sporting a great sense of entitlement, they swindle teachers into giving them extra credit or allowing them to have open book tests, while all the other "normal" students struggle to learn difficult material to earn good grades. Because of the extra perks, they usually end up with top grades in the class, despite the fact that they were not physically or mentally present for most of it.

TR: Mr. Missionary: Zoobis Cantmoveonicus

This species appears to have evolved to only be able to speak if it's about two years spent on a religious excursion. The question will be "What are you going to have for dinner?" And the answer will involve a tale about how his trainer taught him how to cook tuna casserole and then they baptized the whole town. No matter how mundane the conversation, it will end with a testimony.

EF: Sidewalk Hazard: Zoobis Stoppingcus

One would never know how impossibly slow a body can move while still moving forward until they walk behind a member of this species. Impeding campus walking traffic everywhere they go, it is a miracle that they even get to their classes on time. They tend to walk in groups, blocking off the entire sidewalk to other normal-paced walkers. Oblivious to those passing them, they mosey around campus chatting with the members of their walking group.

TR: Sister Silent: Zoobis Stealthicus

A species who would rather suffer the pains of torture than voluntarily speak up in class. When forced to vocalize, their voice will be so quiet that no one will really understand what they say, but will nod in agreement to spare them the pain of having to repeat themselves.

EF: The Young Ones: Zoobis Freshmenticus

Every member of the Zoobis family starts as a Freshmenticus. Members of this species are classified as being "in their first year of college/BYU." Wide-eyed and optimistic, they find themselves lost while trying to find the elusive Crabtree Building, and confused after being turned away from the testing center with a beard. They are among the most social of the Zoobis family, as they are trying to cultivate a strong group of friends that will carry them through college and hopefully the rest of life. They reside in "The Dorms" on campus, usually, but a few can be found off campus. Every member goes on a migratory hike to "The Y" while in this stage of life. They are always excited, and they never sleep. As a result, sometimes they exhibit stress-induced anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and an overwhelming feelings of despair. Freshmenticus are usually made fun of by other people, but you have to give them credit for coming out to a brand new stage of life. The ability to adjust is key to success, and many Freshmenticus are able to survive. The mentality of a Freshmenticus usually wears off by the second year of school, while the organism slowly moves into another category of Zoobis.

TR: Officer Off-Topic: Zoobis Irrelevanticus

This species has a natural tendency to take the discussion into the dark and dreary wilderness, off the beaten path the teacher has prepared for the lecture. His speech is rife with 'bridge' phrases such as, "I interpret this to be..." or "I think this is a lot like..." which inevitably leads to something less than 10% of the class can relate to or even understand. Unfettered by the shackles of reason, this species can connect global warming to microwave burritos faster than you can bat an eyelash.

EF: General Awkwardness: Zoobis Exclusicus

This species is closely related to Zoobis Afectionicus. They too thrive only in pairs. Once together, they follow their culture's norm to only speak to members of the opposite sex through their significant other. It is unclear whether or not members of this species are overly-territorial of their significant other, or if they socialized from the time of birth to speak in such a socially different way.

TR: Professor Personal: Zoobis Uncomfortableicus

This species appears to have no sense of personal or social shame. He is more than willing to expose the most private and secret parts of his soul in a public setting. You will often find him sitting directly behind you, talking about how in a past life he struggled with a cartoon pornography addiction. You are powerless as you feel the immense weight of proxy-embarrassment, and you suffer vicariously for his lack of understanding of common social taboos and acceptable topics to share with utter strangers.

EF: Lieutenant Light-Tone: Zoobis Righteousness

To be classified as in this group, you must speak in a "Testimony Voice" in every situation. A testimony voice is such that the tone is very light, happy (or fake), and absurdly faithful. Whether you are talking about flowers, the weather, your testimony, 9/11, or pizza, you must always use your testimony voice. Extremists also embed their testimony into everything they say.

TR: Master of Matrimony: Zoobis Dateicus

A species whose entire existence is centered around the point of courtship and marriage. Those who are not yet married can often be seen charging at members of the opposite sex anywhere on campus, fearlessly taking seats next to them in lecture halls and offering streams of meaningless pre-generated compliments. They are often interpreted to be "flirtatious," "overly-friendly," and "creepy."

EF: Count Clean Mouth: Zoobis Awesomesauce Fetchicus

Another species who uses different language, Awesomesauce Fetchicus incorporates nonsensical words into their vocabulary instead of swearing. You may hear something close to the real swear world, but members of this group never actually swear. Their effect on BYU culture is that campus is a very family-friendly place, where nobody needs to wash out their potty mouth.

TR: Rabbi Radical: Zoobis Shockicus

This particular species is extremely concerned with not falling under the same stigmas as most of the other White, Mormon students on campus. Often associated with the Left Wing of politics, they also have a tendency to "rock the boat" with controversial, and borderline heretical, statements and opinions. They often attend protests, enjoy conflict, and have the loudest yelling capabilities of all the species on campus. Avoid this species, as they are very aggressive and territorial.

EF: Judge Judger: Zoobis Inbutnotoftheworldous

Inbutnotoftheworldous are enthusiasts of the gospel principle "Be in the world, but not of the world." Typically, this means appreciate the world, but do not follow its unrighteous paths. Members of this species interpret the phrase to mean "Live in the world because that's where we are, but do not acknowledge people who are different from you." They like to think that they can make a bubble in which for them to live while the rest of the world goes on around them. Such an attitude causes the Inbutnotoftheworldous to be substantially more judgmental than normal people. It often comes off as self-righteous and offensive to those "of the world," but we must remember that they are just trying to follow the Prophet, and not purposely/personally trying to offend. While members do not necessarily try to convert others to their way of living, they make sure to use a tone that will make you feel like you're the unrighteous one.